One introductory sentence to be used in searches, Center Alley worse jester pore ladle gull hoe lift wetter stop-murder an toe heft-cisterns.
Sidney: “I care! I care about it all. It takes too much energy not to care! Yesterday I counted 26 gray hairs on the top of my head --- all from trying not to care.”
Sidney to David, Act I. In The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window, Revised Stage Edition. NY: Samuel French, Inc., 1993.
Center Alley worse jester pore ladle gull hoe lift wetter stop-murder an toe heft-cisterns. Daze worming war furry wicket an shellfish parsons, spatially dole stop-murder, hoe dint lack Center Alley an, infect, word orphan traitor pore gull mar lichen ammonol dinner hormone bang. Oily inner moaning disk wicket oiled worming shorted, "Center Alley, gad otter bet, an goiter wark! Suture lacy ladle bomb! Shaker lake!" an firm moaning tell gnat disk ratchet gull word heifer wark lacquer hearse toe kipper horsing ardor, washer heft-cistern's closing, maker bets, gore tutor star fur perversions, cooker males, washer dashes an doe oily udder hoard wark. Nor wander pore Center Alley worse tarred an disgorged!